Monday, July 24, 2006

hot hot hot

Its been rediculously warm in the Valley. Literally, records are dropping about as often as bombs in Beirut and Haifa. However, today it is nearly 10 degrees cooler than it was yesterday at this time. Its 91 out, so it might only be about 100 today. I am probably jinxing it as we speak, but this heat is KILLAH. Yes, I've been listening to a lot of bass-bumping beats, so I thought I'd rep it here too.

Snoop Dog
"Drop It Like It's Hot" - If I was a rapper, I'd want to be like Snoop. He hails from the left side, which is the best side. What makes this OG a rap legend is his intonation and pronunciation, not to mention his great inovation in creating new words. (buy Drop It Like It's Hot)

Missy Elliott
"I'm Really Hot" - Missy is my favorite female in music. She is bad*ss. Its basically cause she makes me just want to dance. And when I dance, sometimes I think I'm hot like Missy. She may not be hot in an attractive sort of way, but she's hot like wildfire (oh, we've been having a lot of those too). (buy This Is Not A Test)

In addition, I don't like the new M.I.A. song, so I'm not posting it. Its not because she name drops Osama bin Laden; honestly, I understand what her family went through and freedom of speech. Its more cause I don't like it. Something about it doesn't get me the way anything on Arular did. Dang it. I still want to see her live.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

2:00 PM  

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